We Will Never Be Free: 74 Percent of Work PCs Have Cheap Bosses, Run XP
Posted by OCEntertainment | Posted in Microsoft , Old Software , We're Doomed , Windows XP | Posted on 9:19 PM
Engadget reports, grudgingly, that Microsoft has announced they are extending to corporations an upgrade amnesty, saying they will allow corporations to exercise "downgrade rights" for new machines they purchase with Windows 7. For those unfamiliar, "downgrade rights" are defined as "those rights, endowed by one's creator, to rollback to old operating systems like Windows XP, and generally be an old fogey and curmodgeon".
I am, of course, paraphrasing.
That being said, currently, according to Microsoft, 74% percent of corporate machines run 4-5 year old hardware on Windows XP, a nine-year-old OS. To keep all of these up-to-date on the latest operating systems is an impossibility. Even if those updates didn't come with a hefty price tag. And yet, old software is a breeding ground for malware, not to mention inefficiency which, on a corporate scale, could cost more than upgrading.
So what's the solution?
There is none. Sorry folks. Getting 100% of the corporate world to use the current version of Windows would be less likely than getting Israel and Palestine to quit fighting over a tiny patch of dirt at the nexus of three of the largest continents in the world, or getting me to understand half the items on a Starbucks menu.